The config can be redefined in cellular_config.h to support different modem prefix string format.
Macro to check prefix chars.
The macro to check prefix string contains valid char. Modem with different prefix strings can be supported with this config.
Default value (if undefined): alphabet, digit, '+' and '_'
For example:
The prefix string contains space which is not default valid char. User can define this config to support this prefix string.
Macro to check prefix leading char.
Cellular interface requires prefix string starts with "+". Some cellular modem uses different leading char. This macro can be defined in cellular_config.h to support different leading char.
Default value (if undefined): '+'
For example:
^SMSO:(list of supported<fso>s)
The prefix string contains "^" which is not default leading char for prefix string. User can define this config to support this prefix string.