backoffAlgorithm v1.4.1
Algorithmic library for calculating retry intervals using exponential backoff and jitter.
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Code Example for backoffAlgorithm API

Example POSIX application that retries DNS resolution operation with exponential backoff-and-jitter using the backoffAlgorithm library.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
/* The maximum number of retries for the example code. */
/* The maximum back-off delay (in milliseconds) for between retries in the example. */
/* The base back-off delay (in milliseconds) for retry configuration in the example. */
#define RETRY_BACKOFF_BASE_MS ( 500U )
int main()
/* @[code_example_backoffalgorithm_initializeparams] */
/* Variables used in this example. */
char serverAddress[] = "";
uint16_t nextRetryBackoff = 0;
/* Initialize reconnect attempts and interval. */
/* @[code_example_backoffalgorithm_initializeparams] */
int32_t dnsStatus = -1;
struct addrinfo hints;
struct addrinfo ** pListHead = NULL;
struct timespec tp;
/* Add hints to retrieve only TCP sockets in getaddrinfo. */
( void ) memset( &hints, 0, sizeof( hints ) );
/* Address family of either IPv4 or IPv6. */
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
/* TCP Socket. */
hints.ai_socktype = ( int32_t ) SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
/* @[code_example_backoffalgorithm_getnextbackoff] */
/* Seed the pseudo random number generator used in this example (with call to
* rand() function provided by ISO C standard library) for use in backoff period
* calculation when retrying failed DNS resolution. */
/* Get current time to seed pseudo random number generator. */
( void ) clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp );
/* Seed pseudo random number generator with seconds. */
srand( tp.tv_sec );
/* Perform a DNS lookup on the given host name. */
dnsStatus = getaddrinfo( serverAddress, NULL, &hints, pListHead );
/* Retry if DNS resolution query failed. */
if( dnsStatus != 0 )
/* Generate a random number and get back-off value (in milliseconds) for the next retry.
* Note: It is recommended to use a random number generator that is seeded with
* device-specific entropy source so that backoff calculation across devices is different
* and possibility of network collision between devices attempting retries can be avoided.
* For the simplicity of this code example, the pseudo random number generator, rand()
* function is used. */
retryStatus = BackoffAlgorithm_GetNextBackoff( &retryParams, rand(), &nextRetryBackoff );
/* Wait for the calculated backoff period before the next retry attempt of querying DNS.
* As usleep() takes nanoseconds as the parameter, we multiply the backoff period by 1000. */
( void ) usleep( nextRetryBackoff * 1000U );
} while( ( dnsStatus != 0 ) && ( retryStatus != BackoffAlgorithmRetriesExhausted ) );
/* @[code_example_backoffalgorithm_getnextbackoff] */
return dnsStatus;
API for calculating backoff period for retry attempts using exponential backoff with jitter algorithm...
void BackoffAlgorithm_InitializeParams(BackoffAlgorithmContext_t *pContext, uint16_t backOffBase, uint16_t maxBackOff, uint32_t maxAttempts)
Initializes the context for using backoff algorithm. The parameters are required for calculating the ...
Definition: backoff_algorithm.c:86
BackoffAlgorithmStatus_t BackoffAlgorithm_GetNextBackoff(BackoffAlgorithmContext_t *pRetryContext, uint32_t randomValue, uint16_t *pNextBackOff)
Simple exponential backoff and jitter function that provides the delay value for the next retry attem...
Definition: backoff_algorithm.c:40
Status for BackoffAlgorithm_GetNextBackoff.
Definition: backoff_algorithm.h:58
@ BackoffAlgorithmRetriesExhausted
The function exhausted all retry attempts.
Definition: backoff_algorithm.h:60
@ BackoffAlgorithmSuccess
The function successfully calculated the next back-off value.
Definition: backoff_algorithm.h:59
Represents parameters required for calculating the back-off delay for the next retry attempt.
Definition: backoff_algorithm.h:69