49typedef enum MQTTCommandType
63struct MQTTAgentContext;
64struct MQTTAgentCommandContext;
70typedef struct MQTTAgentReturnInfo
122typedef struct MQTTAckInfo
152typedef struct MQTTAgentContext
166typedef struct MQTTAgentSubscribeArgs
176typedef struct MQTTAgentConnectArgs
188typedef struct MQTTAgentCommandInfo
291 MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t getCurrentTimeMs,
293 void * pIncomingPacketContext );
379 bool sessionPresent );
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_CancelAll(MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext)
Cancel all enqueued commands and those awaiting acknowledgment while the command loop is not running.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1128
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_Disconnect(const MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, const MQTTAgentCommandInfo_t *pCommandInfo)
Add a command to disconnect an MQTT connection.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1300
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_Init(MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, const MQTTAgentMessageInterface_t *pMsgInterface, const MQTTFixedBuffer_t *pNetworkBuffer, const TransportInterface_t *pTransportInterface, MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t getCurrentTimeMs, MQTTAgentIncomingPublishCallback_t incomingCallback, void *pIncomingPacketContext)
Perform any initialization the MQTT agent requires before it can be used. Must be called before any o...
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:968
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_Subscribe(const MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, MQTTAgentSubscribeArgs_t *pSubscriptionArgs, const MQTTAgentCommandInfo_t *pCommandInfo)
Add a command to call MQTT_Subscribe() for an MQTT connection.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1177
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_ResumeSession(MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, bool sessionPresent)
Resume a session by resending publishes if a session is present in the broker, or clear state informa...
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1085
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_Connect(const MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, MQTTAgentConnectArgs_t *pConnectArgs, const MQTTAgentCommandInfo_t *pCommandInfo)
Add a command to call MQTT_Connect() for an MQTT connection. If a session is resumed with the broker,...
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1275
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_CommandLoop(MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext)
Process commands from the command queue in a loop.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1043
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_ProcessLoop(const MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, const MQTTAgentCommandInfo_t *pCommandInfo)
Send a message to the MQTT agent purely to trigger an iteration of its loop, which will result in a c...
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1252
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_Unsubscribe(const MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, MQTTAgentSubscribeArgs_t *pSubscriptionArgs, const MQTTAgentCommandInfo_t *pCommandInfo)
Add a command to call MQTT_Unsubscribe() for an MQTT connection.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1202
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_Terminate(const MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, const MQTTAgentCommandInfo_t *pCommandInfo)
Add a termination command to the command queue.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1346
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_Ping(const MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, const MQTTAgentCommandInfo_t *pCommandInfo)
Add a command to call MQTT_Ping() for an MQTT connection.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1323
MQTTStatus_t MQTTAgent_Publish(const MQTTAgentContext_t *pMqttAgentContext, MQTTPublishInfo_t *pPublishInfo, const MQTTAgentCommandInfo_t *pCommandInfo)
Add a command to call MQTT_Publish() for an MQTT connection.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.c:1227
This represents the default values for the configuration macros for the MQTT-Agent library.
The maximum number of pending acknowledgments to track for a single connection.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent_config_defaults.h:82
Functions to interact with queues.
void(* MQTTAgentCommandCallback_t)(MQTTAgentCommandContext_t *pCmdCallbackContext, MQTTAgentReturnInfo_t *pReturnInfo)
Callback function called when a command completes.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:101
void(* MQTTAgentIncomingPublishCallback_t)(struct MQTTAgentContext *pMqttAgentContext, uint16_t packetId, MQTTPublishInfo_t *pPublishInfo)
Callback function called when receiving a publish.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:142
A type of command for interacting with the MQTT API.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:50
The number of command types handled by the agent.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:60
Call MQTT_Connect().
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:57
Call MQTT_Disconnect().
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:58
Call MQTT_Ping().
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:56
Call MQTT_Unsubscribe().
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:55
Call MQTT_ProcessLoop().
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:52
Exit the command loop and stop processing commands.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:59
Call MQTT_Subscribe().
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:54
Call MQTT_Publish().
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:53
No command received. Must be zero (its memset() value).
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:51
struct MQTTAgentCommandContext MQTTAgentCommandContext_t
Struct containing context for a specific command.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:83
Information for a pending MQTT ack packet expected by the agent.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:123
MQTTAgentCommand_t * pOriginalCommand
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:125
uint16_t packetId
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:124
The commands sent from the APIs to the MQTT agent task.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:111
void * pArgs
Arguments of command.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:113
MQTTAgentCommandCallback_t pCommandCompleteCallback
Callback to invoke upon completion.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:114
MQTTAgentCommandContext_t * pCmdContext
Context for completion callback.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:115
MQTTAgentCommandType_t commandType
Type of command.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:112
Struct holding arguments that are common to every command.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:189
MQTTAgentCommandContext_t * pCmdCompleteCallbackContext
Context for completion callback.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:191
MQTTAgentCommandCallback_t cmdCompleteCallback
Callback to invoke upon completion.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:190
uint32_t blockTimeMs
Maximum block time for enqueueing the command.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:192
Struct holding arguments for a CONNECT call.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:177
bool sessionPresent
Output flag set if a previous session was present.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:181
MQTTPublishInfo_t * pWillInfo
Optional Last Will and Testament.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:179
uint32_t timeoutMs
Maximum timeout for a CONNACK packet.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:180
MQTTConnectInfo_t * pConnectInfo
MQTT CONNECT packet information.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:178
Information used by each MQTT agent. A context will be initialized by MQTTAgent_Init(),...
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:153
void * pIncomingCallbackContext
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:158
MQTTAgentIncomingPublishCallback_t pIncomingCallback
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:157
MQTTAgentMessageInterface_t agentInterface
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:155
MQTTContext_t mqttContext
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:154
bool packetReceivedInLoop
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:159
Function pointers and contexts used for sending and receiving commands, and allocating memory for the...
Definition: core_mqtt_agent_message_interface.h:133
Struct holding return codes and outputs from a command.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:71
MQTTStatus_t returnCode
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:72
uint8_t * pSubackCodes
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:73
Struct holding arguments for a SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE call.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:167
MQTTSubscribeInfo_t * pSubscribeInfo
List of MQTT subscriptions.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:168
size_t numSubscriptions
Number of elements in pSubscribeInfo.
Definition: core_mqtt_agent.h:169