51#define MQTT_LIBRARY_VERSION "v2.3.1+"
60#define MQTT_PACKET_ID_INVALID ( ( uint16_t ) 0U )
65struct MQTTDeserializedInfo;
71typedef struct MQTTVec MQTTVec_t;
107 struct MQTTPacketInfo * pPacketInfo,
108 struct MQTTDeserializedInfo * pDeserializedInfo );
125 MQTTVec_t * pMqttVec );
145 uint8_t ** pSerializedMqttVec,
146 size_t * pSerializedMqttVecLen );
165typedef enum MQTTConnectionStatus
176typedef enum MQTTPublishState
195typedef enum MQTTPubAckType
207typedef enum MQTTSubAckStatus
219typedef struct MQTTPubAckInfo
230typedef struct MQTTContext
329typedef struct MQTTDeserializedInfo
485 size_t outgoingPublishCount,
487 size_t incomingPublishCount );
714 bool * pSessionPresent );
773 size_t subscriptionCount,
922 size_t subscriptionCount,
1124 const uint16_t topicNameLength,
1125 const char * pTopicFilter,
1126 const uint16_t topicFilterLength,
1213 uint8_t ** pPayloadStart,
1214 size_t * pPayloadSize );
1247 const MQTTVec_t * pVec );
uint16_t MQTT_GetPacketId(MQTTContext_t *pContext)
Get a packet ID that is valid according to the MQTT 3.1.1 spec.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3491
const char * MQTT_Status_strerror(MQTTStatus_t status)
Error code to string conversion for MQTT statuses.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3648
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_Publish(MQTTContext_t *pContext, const MQTTPublishInfo_t *pPublishInfo, uint16_t packetId)
Publishes a message to the given topic name.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3090
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_CancelCallback(const MQTTContext_t *pContext, uint16_t packetId)
Cancels an outgoing publish callback (only for QoS > QoS0) by removing it from the pending ACK list.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:2835
size_t MQTT_GetBytesInMQTTVec(const MQTTVec_t *pVec)
Get the bytes in a MQTTVec pointer which can store the whole array as a an MQTT packet when calling M...
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3732
bool(* MQTTRetrievePacketForRetransmit)(struct MQTTContext *pContext, uint16_t packetId, uint8_t **pSerializedMqttVec, size_t *pSerializedMqttVecLen)
User defined callback used to retreive a copied publish for resend operation. Used to track any publi...
Definition: core_mqtt.h:143
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_Subscribe(MQTTContext_t *pContext, const MQTTSubscribeInfo_t *pSubscriptionList, size_t subscriptionCount, uint16_t packetId)
Sends MQTT SUBSCRIBE for the given list of topic filters to the broker.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3035
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_MatchTopic(const char *pTopicName, const uint16_t topicNameLength, const char *pTopicFilter, const uint16_t topicFilterLength, bool *pIsMatch)
A utility function that determines whether the passed topic filter and topic name match according to ...
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3520
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_Ping(MQTTContext_t *pContext)
Sends an MQTT PINGREQ to broker.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3211
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_Unsubscribe(MQTTContext_t *pContext, const MQTTSubscribeInfo_t *pSubscriptionList, size_t subscriptionCount, uint16_t packetId)
Sends MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE for the given list of topic filters to the broker.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3300
void(* MQTTClearPacketForRetransmit)(struct MQTTContext *pContext, uint16_t packetId)
User defined callback used to clear a particular copied publish packet. Used to track any publish ret...
Definition: core_mqtt.h:157
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_CheckConnectStatus(const MQTTContext_t *pContext)
Checks the MQTT connection status with the broker.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:2867
void MQTT_SerializeMQTTVec(uint8_t *pAllocatedMem, const MQTTVec_t *pVec)
Serialize the bytes in an array of MQTTVec in the provided pAllocatedMem.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3749
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_ProcessLoop(MQTTContext_t *pContext)
Loop to receive packets from the transport interface. Handles keep alive.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3438
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_GetSubAckStatusCodes(const MQTTPacketInfo_t *pSubackPacket, uint8_t **pPayloadStart, size_t *pPayloadSize)
Parses the payload of an MQTT SUBACK packet that contains status codes corresponding to topic filter ...
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3589
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_Disconnect(MQTTContext_t *pContext)
Disconnect an MQTT session.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3355
bool(* MQTTStorePacketForRetransmit)(struct MQTTContext *pContext, uint16_t packetId, MQTTVec_t *pMqttVec)
User defined callback used to store outgoing publishes. Used to track any publish retransmit on an un...
Definition: core_mqtt.h:123
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_Init(MQTTContext_t *pContext, const TransportInterface_t *pTransportInterface, MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t getTimeFunction, MQTTEventCallback_t userCallback, const MQTTFixedBuffer_t *pNetworkBuffer)
Initialize an MQTT context.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:2679
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_ReceiveLoop(MQTTContext_t *pContext)
Loop to receive packets from the transport interface. Does not handle keep alive.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:3465
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_Connect(MQTTContext_t *pContext, const MQTTConnectInfo_t *pConnectInfo, const MQTTPublishInfo_t *pWillInfo, uint32_t timeoutMs, bool *pSessionPresent)
Establish an MQTT session.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:2908
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_InitRetransmits(MQTTContext_t *pContext, MQTTStorePacketForRetransmit storeFunction, MQTTRetrievePacketForRetransmit retrieveFunction, MQTTClearPacketForRetransmit clearFunction)
Initialize an MQTT context for publish retransmits for QoS > 0.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:2795
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_InitStatefulQoS(MQTTContext_t *pContext, MQTTPubAckInfo_t *pOutgoingPublishRecords, size_t outgoingPublishCount, MQTTPubAckInfo_t *pIncomingPublishRecords, size_t incomingPublishCount)
Initialize an MQTT context for QoS > 0.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:2738
User-facing functions for serializing and deserializing MQTT 3.1.1 packets. This header should be inc...
void(* MQTTEventCallback_t)(struct MQTTContext *pContext, struct MQTTPacketInfo *pPacketInfo, struct MQTTDeserializedInfo *pDeserializedInfo)
Application callback for receiving incoming publishes and incoming acks.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:106
uint32_t(* MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t)(void)
Application provided function to query the time elapsed since a given epoch in milliseconds.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:91
The state of QoS 1 or QoS 2 MQTT publishes, used in the state engine.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:177
The status codes in the SUBACK response to a subscription request.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:208
Packet types used in acknowledging QoS 1 or QoS 2 publishes.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:196
Values indicating if an MQTT connection exists.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:166
Return codes from MQTT functions.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:87
MQTT Quality of Service values.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:116
@ MQTTPubRecSend
The library will send a PUBREC for a received PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:181
@ MQTTPubRecPending
The library is awaiting a PUBREC for an outgoing PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:185
@ MQTTPubCompPending
The library is awaiting a PUBCOMP for an outgoing PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:187
@ MQTTPubRelSend
The library will send a PUBREL for a received PUBREC.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:182
@ MQTTPubAckSend
The library will send a PUBACK for a received PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:180
@ MQTTPubRelPending
The library is awaiting a PUBREL for an incoming PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:186
@ MQTTPubCompSend
The library will send a PUBCOMP for a received PUBREL.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:183
@ MQTTStateNull
An empty state with no corresponding PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:178
@ MQTTPublishSend
The library will send an outgoing PUBLISH packet.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:179
@ MQTTPubAckPending
The library is awaiting a PUBACK for an outgoing PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:184
@ MQTTPublishDone
The PUBLISH has been completed.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:188
@ MQTTSubAckSuccessQos2
Success with a maximum delivery at QoS 2.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:211
@ MQTTSubAckSuccessQos1
Success with a maximum delivery at QoS 1.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:210
@ MQTTSubAckSuccessQos0
Success with a maximum delivery at QoS 0.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:209
@ MQTTSubAckFailure
Definition: core_mqtt.h:212
@ MQTTPuback
PUBACKs are sent in response to a QoS 1 PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:197
@ MQTTPubrec
PUBRECs are sent in response to a QoS 2 PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:198
@ MQTTPubcomp
PUBCOMPs are sent in response to a PUBREL.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:200
@ MQTTPubrel
PUBRELs are sent in response to a PUBREC.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:199
@ MQTTNotConnected
MQTT Connection is inactive.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:167
@ MQTTDisconnectPending
MQTT Connection needs to be disconnected as a transport error has occurred.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:169
@ MQTTConnected
MQTT Connection is active.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:168
MQTT CONNECT packet parameters.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:140
A struct representing an MQTT connection.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:231
uint32_t lastPacketTxTime
Timestamp of the last packet sent by the library.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:285
MQTTFixedBuffer_t networkBuffer
The buffer used in sending and receiving packets from the network.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:260
MQTTRetrievePacketForRetransmit retrieveFunction
User defined API used to retreive a copied publish for resend operation.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:316
size_t outgoingPublishRecordMaxCount
The maximum number of outgoing publish records.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:245
MQTTClearPacketForRetransmit clearFunction
User defined API used to clear a particular copied publish packet.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:321
size_t index
Index to keep track of the number of bytes received in network buffer.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:301
MQTTConnectionStatus_t connectStatus
Whether the context currently has a connection to the broker.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:270
MQTTPubAckInfo_t * outgoingPublishRecords
State engine records for outgoing publishes.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:235
uint32_t lastPacketRxTime
Timestamp of the last packet received by the library.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:290
MQTTEventCallback_t appCallback
Callback function used to give deserialized MQTT packets to the application.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:280
TransportInterface_t transportInterface
The transport interface used by the MQTT connection.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:255
size_t incomingPublishRecordMaxCount
The maximum number of incoming publish records.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:250
MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t getTime
Function used to get millisecond timestamps.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:275
MQTTStorePacketForRetransmit storeFunction
User defined API used to store outgoing publishes.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:311
bool waitingForPingResp
If the library is currently awaiting a PINGRESP.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:306
uint32_t pingReqSendTimeMs
Timestamp of the last sent PINGREQ.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:305
uint16_t nextPacketId
The next available ID for outgoing MQTT packets.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:265
bool controlPacketSent
Whether the library sent a packet during a call of MQTT_ProcessLoop or MQTT_ReceiveLoop.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:296
MQTTPubAckInfo_t * incomingPublishRecords
State engine records for incoming publishes.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:240
uint16_t keepAliveIntervalSec
Keep Alive interval.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:304
Struct to hold deserialized packet information for an MQTTEventCallback_t callback.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:330
MQTTStatus_t deserializationResult
Return code of deserialization.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:333
MQTTPublishInfo_t * pPublishInfo
Pointer to deserialized publish info.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:332
uint16_t packetIdentifier
Packet ID of deserialized packet.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:331
Buffer passed to MQTT library.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:130
MQTT incoming packet parameters.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:251
An element of the state engine records for QoS 1 or Qos 2 publishes.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:220
MQTTQoS_t qos
The QoS of the original PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:222
MQTTPublishState_t publishState
The current state of the publish process.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:223
uint16_t packetId
The packet ID of the original PUBLISH.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:221
MQTT PUBLISH packet parameters.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:209
MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet parameters.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:187
An opaque structure provided by the library to the MQTTStorePacketForRetransmit function when using M...
Definition: core_mqtt.c:94
The transport layer interface.
Definition: transport_interface.h:299
Transport interface definitions to send and receive data over the network.