Loop to receive packets from the transport interface. Handles keep alive.
If a dummy timer function, MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t, is passed to the library, then the keep-alive mechanism is not supported by the MQTT_ProcessLoop API. In that case, the MQTT_ReceiveLoop API function should be used instead.
Initialized and connected MQTT context.
Calling this function blocks the calling context for a time period that depends on the passed the configuration macros, MQTT_RECV_POLLING_TIMEOUT_MS and MQTT_SEND_TIMEOUT_MS, and the underlying transport interface implementation timeouts, unless an error occurs. The blocking period also depends on the execution time of the MQTTEventCallback_t callback supplied to the library. It is recommended that the supplied MQTTEventCallback_t callback does not contain blocking operations to prevent potential non-deterministic blocking period of the MQTT_ProcessLoop API call.
MQTTBadParameter if context is NULL; MQTTRecvFailed if a network error occurs during reception; MQTTSendFailed if a network error occurs while sending an ACK or PINGREQ; MQTTBadResponse if an invalid packet is received; MQTTKeepAliveTimeout if the server has not sent a PINGRESP before MQTT_PINGRESP_TIMEOUT_MS milliseconds; MQTTIllegalState if an incoming QoS 1/2 publish or ack causes an invalid transition for the internal state machine; MQTTNeedMoreBytes if MQTT_ProcessLoop has received incomplete data; it should be called again (probably after a delay); MQTTStatusNotConnected if the connection is not established yet and a PING or an ACK is being sent. MQTTStatusDisconnectPending if the user is expected to call MQTT_Disconnect before calling any other API MQTTSuccess on success.