FreeRTOS: FreeRTOS Cellular Library v1.3.0
FreeRTOS Cellular Library
CellularEidrxSettingsList_t Struct Reference

Cellular Represents e-I-DRX settings Lists. More...

#include <cellular_types.h>

Data Fields

CellularEidrxSettings_t eidrxList [CELLULAR_EDRX_LIST_MAX_SIZE]
uint8_t count

Detailed Description

Cellular Represents e-I-DRX settings Lists.

Field Documentation

◆ eidrxList

CellularEidrxSettings_t CellularEidrxSettingsList_t::eidrxList[CELLULAR_EDRX_LIST_MAX_SIZE]

Cellular e-I-DRX settings list.

◆ count

uint8_t CellularEidrxSettingsList_t::count

Cellular e-I-DRX settings list number.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: