Parameters involved in maintaining the context for the modem. More...
#include <cellular_common_internal.h>
Parameters involved in maintaining the context for the modem.
Opaque Cellular handle.
Opaque Cellular context structure type.
const CellularCommInterface_t* CellularHandle_t::pCommIntf |
Communication interface for target specific.
bool CellularHandle_t::bLibOpened |
CellularLib is currently open.
bool CellularHandle_t::bLibShutdown |
CellularLib prematurely shut down.
bool CellularHandle_t::bLibClosing |
Graceful shutdown in progress.
PlatformMutex_t CellularHandle_t::libStatusMutex |
The mutex for changing lib status.
PlatformMutex_t CellularHandle_t::libAtDataMutex |
The mutex for AT data in cellular context.
_callbackEvents_t CellularHandle_t::cbEvents |
Call back functions registered to report events.
cellularAtData_t CellularHandle_t::libAtData |
Global variables.
CellularTokenTable_t CellularHandle_t::tokenTable |
Token table to config pkthandler and pktio.
PlatformMutex_t CellularHandle_t::pktRequestMutex |
The mutex for sending request.
PlatformMutex_t CellularHandle_t::PktRespMutex |
The mutex for parsing the response from modem.
PlatformQueueHandle_t CellularHandle_t::pktRespQueue |
Message queue to send/receive response.
CellularATCommandResponseReceivedCallback_t CellularHandle_t::pktRespCB |
Callback used to inform about the response of an AT command sent using Cellular_ATCommandRaw API.
CellularATCommandDataPrefixCallback_t CellularHandle_t::pktDataPrefixCB |
Data prefix callback function for socket receive function.
void* CellularHandle_t::pDataPrefixCBContext |
The pCallbackContext passed to CellularATCommandDataPrefixCallback_t.
CellularATCommandDataSendPrefixCallback_t CellularHandle_t::pktDataSendPrefixCB |
Data prefix callback function for socket send function.
void* CellularHandle_t::pDataSendPrefixCBContext |
The pCallbackContext passed to CellularATCommandDataSendPrefixCallback_t.
void* CellularHandle_t::pPktUsrData |
The pData passed to CellularATCommandResponseReceivedCallback_t.
uint16_t CellularHandle_t::PktUsrDataLen |
The dataLen passed to CellularATCommandResponseReceivedCallback_t.
const char* CellularHandle_t::pCurrentCmd |
Debug purpose.
bool CellularHandle_t::bPktioUp |
A flag to indicate if packet IO up.
CellularCommInterfaceHandle_t CellularHandle_t::hPktioCommIntf |
Opaque handle to comm interface.
PlatformEventGroupHandle_t CellularHandle_t::pPktioCommEvent |
Event group handler for common event in packet IO.
_pPktioShutdownCallback_t CellularHandle_t::pPktioShutdownCB |
Callback used to inform packet IO thread shutdown.
_pPktioHandlePacketCallback_t CellularHandle_t::pPktioHandlepktCB |
Callback used to inform packet received.
char CellularHandle_t::pktioSendBuf[PKTIO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE+1] |
Buffer to send AT command to cellular devices.
char CellularHandle_t::pktioReadBuf[PKTIO_READ_BUFFER_SIZE+1] |
Buffer to receive messages from cellular devices.
char* CellularHandle_t::pPktioReadPtr |
Pointer points to unhandled read buffer.
const char* CellularHandle_t::pRespPrefix |
The prefix to check in the response message.
char CellularHandle_t::pktRespPrefixBuf[CELLULAR_CONFIG_MAX_PREFIX_STRING_LENGTH] |
Buffer to store prefix string.
CellularATCommandType_t CellularHandle_t::PktioAtCmdType |
Represents AT Command type.
_atRespType_t CellularHandle_t::recvdMsgType |
The received AT response type.
CellularUndefinedRespCallback_t CellularHandle_t::undefinedRespCallback |
Undefined response callback function.
void* CellularHandle_t::pUndefinedRespCBContext |
The pCallbackContext passed to CellularUndefinedRespCallback_t.
CellularInputBufferCallback_t CellularHandle_t::inputBufferCallback |
URC data preprocess callback function.
void* CellularHandle_t::pInputBufferCallbackContext |
The callback context passed to inputBufferCallback.
CellularATCommandResponse_t* CellularHandle_t::pAtCmdResp |
The AT command response pointer.
uint32_t CellularHandle_t::dataLength |
The data length in pLine.
uint32_t CellularHandle_t::partialDataRcvdLen |
The valid data length need to be handled.
CellularSocketContext_t* CellularHandle_t::pSocketData[CELLULAR_NUM_SOCKET_MAX] |
All socket related information.
void* CellularHandle_t::pModuleContext |
Module Context.