coreMQTT v1.1.2
MQTT 3.1.1 Client Library
Callback Types

Callback function pointer types of the MQTT library. More...


typedef uint32_t(* MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t) (void)
 Application provided function to query the current time in milliseconds. More...
typedef void(* MQTTEventCallback_t) (struct MQTTContext *pContext, struct MQTTPacketInfo *pPacketInfo, struct MQTTDeserializedInfo *pDeserializedInfo)
 Application callback for receiving incoming publishes and incoming acks. More...
typedef int32_t(* TransportRecv_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, void *pBuffer, size_t bytesToRecv)
 Transport interface for receiving data on the network. More...
typedef int32_t(* TransportSend_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, const void *pBuffer, size_t bytesToSend)
 Transport interface for sending data over the network. More...

Detailed Description

Callback function pointer types of the MQTT library.

Typedef Documentation

◆ MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t

typedef uint32_t(* MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t) (void)

Application provided function to query the current time in milliseconds.

The current time in milliseconds.

◆ MQTTEventCallback_t

typedef void(* MQTTEventCallback_t) (struct MQTTContext *pContext, struct MQTTPacketInfo *pPacketInfo, struct MQTTDeserializedInfo *pDeserializedInfo)

Application callback for receiving incoming publishes and incoming acks.

This callback will be called only if packets are deserialized with a result of MQTTSuccess or MQTTServerRefused. The latter can be obtained when deserializing a SUBACK, indicating a broker's rejection of a subscribe.
[in]pContextInitialized MQTT context.
[in]pPacketInfoInformation on the type of incoming MQTT packet.
[in]pDeserializedInfoDeserialized information from incoming packet.

◆ TransportRecv_t

typedef int32_t(* TransportRecv_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, void *pBuffer, size_t bytesToRecv)

Transport interface for receiving data on the network.

It is RECOMMENDED that the transport receive implementation does NOT block when requested to read a single byte. A single byte read request can be made by the caller to check whether there is a new frame available on the network for reading. However, the receive implementation MAY block for a timeout period when it is requested to read more than 1 byte. This is because once the caller is aware that a new frame is available to read on the network, then the likelihood of reading more than one byte over the network becomes high.
[in]pNetworkContextImplementation-defined network context.
[in]pBufferBuffer to receive the data into.
[in]bytesToRecvNumber of bytes requested from the network.
The number of bytes received or a negative value to indicate error.
If no data is available on the network to read and no error has occurred, zero MUST be the return value. A zero return value SHOULD represent that the read operation can be retried by calling the API function. Zero MUST NOT be returned if a network disconnection has occurred.

◆ TransportSend_t

typedef int32_t(* TransportSend_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, const void *pBuffer, size_t bytesToSend)

Transport interface for sending data over the network.

[in]pNetworkContextImplementation-defined network context.
[in]pBufferBuffer containing the bytes to send over the network stack.
[in]bytesToSendNumber of bytes to send over the network.
The number of bytes sent or a negative value to indicate error.
If no data is transmitted over the network due to a full TX buffer and no network error has occurred, this MUST return zero as the return value. A zero return value SHOULD represent that the send operation can be retried by calling the API function. Zero MUST NOT be returned if a network disconnection has occurred.