coreMQTT v2.2.0
MQTT 3.1.1 Client Library
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Callback Types

Callback function pointer types of the MQTT library. More...


typedef uint32_t(* MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t) (void)
 Application provided function to query the time elapsed since a given epoch in milliseconds.
typedef void(* MQTTEventCallback_t) (struct MQTTContext *pContext, struct MQTTPacketInfo *pPacketInfo, struct MQTTDeserializedInfo *pDeserializedInfo)
 Application callback for receiving incoming publishes and incoming acks.
typedef int32_t(* TransportRecv_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, void *pBuffer, size_t bytesToRecv)
 Transport interface for receiving data on the network.
typedef int32_t(* TransportSend_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, const void *pBuffer, size_t bytesToSend)
 Transport interface for sending data over the network.
typedef int32_t(* TransportWritev_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, TransportOutVector_t *pIoVec, size_t ioVecCount)
 Transport interface function for "vectored" / scatter-gather based writes. This function is expected to iterate over the list of vectors pIoVec having ioVecCount entries containing portions of one MQTT message at a maximum. If the proper functionality is available, then the data in the list should be copied to the underlying TCP buffer before flushing the buffer. Implementing it in this fashion will lead to sending of fewer TCP packets for all the values in the list.

Detailed Description

Callback function pointer types of the MQTT library.

Typedef Documentation

◆ MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t

typedef uint32_t(* MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t) (void)

Application provided function to query the time elapsed since a given epoch in milliseconds.

The timer should be a monotonic timer. It just needs to provide an incrementing count of milliseconds elapsed since a given epoch.
As the timer is supposed to be a millisecond timer returning a 32-bit value, it will overflow in just under 50 days. But it will not cause any issues in the library as the time function is only used for calculating durations for timeouts and keep alive periods. The difference in unsigned numbers is used where unsigned wrap around is defined. Unless the timeout is bigger than 100 days (50*2) where the numbers can wrap around more than once the code should work properly.
The time elapsed in milliseconds.

◆ MQTTEventCallback_t

typedef void(* MQTTEventCallback_t) (struct MQTTContext *pContext, struct MQTTPacketInfo *pPacketInfo, struct MQTTDeserializedInfo *pDeserializedInfo)

Application callback for receiving incoming publishes and incoming acks.

This callback will be called only if packets are deserialized with a result of MQTTSuccess or MQTTServerRefused. The latter can be obtained when deserializing a SUBACK, indicating a broker's rejection of a subscribe.
[in]pContextInitialized MQTT context.
[in]pPacketInfoInformation on the type of incoming MQTT packet.
[in]pDeserializedInfoDeserialized information from incoming packet.

◆ TransportRecv_t

typedef int32_t(* TransportRecv_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, void *pBuffer, size_t bytesToRecv)

Transport interface for receiving data on the network.

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that the transport receive implementation does NOT block. coreMQTT will continue to call the transport interface if it receives a partial packet until it accumulates enough data to get the complete MQTT packet.
[in]pNetworkContextImplementation-defined network context.
[in]pBufferBuffer to receive the data into.
[in]bytesToRecvNumber of bytes requested from the network.
The number of bytes received or a negative value to indicate error.
If no data is available on the network to read and no error has occurred, zero MUST be the return value. A zero return value SHOULD represent that the read operation can be retried by calling the API function. Zero MUST NOT be returned if a network disconnection has occurred.

◆ TransportSend_t

typedef int32_t(* TransportSend_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, const void *pBuffer, size_t bytesToSend)

Transport interface for sending data over the network.

[in]pNetworkContextImplementation-defined network context.
[in]pBufferBuffer containing the bytes to send over the network stack.
[in]bytesToSendNumber of bytes to send over the network.
The number of bytes sent or a negative value to indicate error.
If no data is transmitted over the network due to a full TX buffer and no network error has occurred, this MUST return zero as the return value. A zero return value SHOULD represent that the send operation can be retried by calling the API function. Zero MUST NOT be returned if a network disconnection has occurred.

◆ TransportWritev_t

typedef int32_t(* TransportWritev_t) (NetworkContext_t *pNetworkContext, TransportOutVector_t *pIoVec, size_t ioVecCount)

Transport interface function for "vectored" / scatter-gather based writes. This function is expected to iterate over the list of vectors pIoVec having ioVecCount entries containing portions of one MQTT message at a maximum. If the proper functionality is available, then the data in the list should be copied to the underlying TCP buffer before flushing the buffer. Implementing it in this fashion will lead to sending of fewer TCP packets for all the values in the list.

If the proper write functionality is not present for a given device/IP-stack, then there is no strict requirement to implement write. Only the send and recv interfaces must be defined for the application to work properly.
[in]pNetworkContextImplementation-defined network context.
[in]pIoVecAn array of TransportIoVector_t structs.
[in]ioVecCountNumber of TransportIoVector_t in pIoVec.
The number of bytes written or a negative value to indicate error.
If no data is written to the buffer due to the buffer being full this MUST return zero as the return value. A zero return value SHOULD represent that the write operation can be retried by calling the API function. Zero MUST NOT be returned if a network disconnection has occurred.