coreMQTT v2.2.0
MQTT 3.1.1 Client Library
No Matches
const TransportInterface_t * pTransportInterface,
MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t getTimeFunction,
MQTTEventCallback_t userCallback,
const MQTTFixedBuffer_t * pNetworkBuffer );
MQTTStatus_t MQTT_Init(MQTTContext_t *pContext, const TransportInterface_t *pTransportInterface, MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t getTimeFunction, MQTTEventCallback_t userCallback, const MQTTFixedBuffer_t *pNetworkBuffer)
Initialize an MQTT context.
Definition: core_mqtt.c:2531
void(* MQTTEventCallback_t)(struct MQTTContext *pContext, struct MQTTPacketInfo *pPacketInfo, struct MQTTDeserializedInfo *pDeserializedInfo)
Application callback for receiving incoming publishes and incoming acks.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:97
uint32_t(* MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t)(void)
Application provided function to query the time elapsed since a given epoch in milliseconds.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:82
Return codes from MQTT functions.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:87
A struct representing an MQTT connection.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:170
Buffer passed to MQTT library.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:123
The transport layer interface.
Definition: transport_interface.h:299

Initialize an MQTT context.

This function must be called on an MQTTContext_t before any other function.

The MQTTGetCurrentTimeFunc_t function for querying time must be defined. If there is no time implementation, it is the responsibility of the application to provide a dummy function to always return 0, provide 0 timeouts for all calls to MQTT_Connect, MQTT_ProcessLoop, and MQTT_ReceiveLoop and configure the MQTT_RECV_POLLING_TIMEOUT_MS and MQTT_SEND_TIMEOUT_MS configurations to be 0. This will result in loop functions running for a single iteration, and MQTT_Connect relying on MQTT_MAX_CONNACK_RECEIVE_RETRY_COUNT to receive the CONNACK packet.
[in]pContextThe context to initialize.
[in]pTransportInterfaceThe transport interface to use with the context.
[in]getTimeFunctionThe time utility function which can return the amount of time (in milliseconds) elapsed since a given epoch. This function will be used to ensure that timeouts in the API calls are met and keep-alive messages are sent on time.
[in]userCallbackThe user callback to use with the context to notify about incoming packet events.
[in]pNetworkBufferNetwork buffer provided for the context. This buffer will be used to receive incoming messages from the broker. This buffer must remain valid and in scope for the entire lifetime of the pContext and must not be used by another context and/or application.
MQTTBadParameter if invalid parameters are passed; MQTTSuccess otherwise.


// Function for obtaining a timestamp.
uint32_t getTimeStampMs();
// Callback function for receiving packets.
void eventCallback(
MQTTContext_t * pContext,
MQTTPacketInfo_t * pPacketInfo,
MQTTDeserializedInfo_t * pDeserializedInfo
// Network send.
int32_t networkSend( NetworkContext_t * pContext, const void * pBuffer, size_t bytes );
// Network receive.
int32_t networkRecv( NetworkContext_t * pContext, void * pBuffer, size_t bytes );
MQTTContext_t mqttContext;
MQTTFixedBuffer_t fixedBuffer;
// Create a globally accessible buffer which remains in scope for the entire duration
// of the MQTT context.
uint8_t buffer[ 1024 ];
// Clear context.
memset( ( void * ) &mqttContext, 0x00, sizeof( MQTTContext_t ) );
// Set transport interface members.
transport.pNetworkContext = &someTransportContext;
transport.send = networkSend;
transport.recv = networkRecv;
// Set buffer members.
fixedBuffer.pBuffer = buffer;
fixedBuffer.size = 1024;
status = MQTT_Init( &mqttContext, &transport, getTimeStampMs, eventCallback, &fixedBuffer );
if( status == MQTTSuccess )
// Do something with mqttContext. The transport and fixedBuffer structs were
// copied into the context, so the original structs do not need to stay in scope.
// However, the memory pointed to by the fixedBuffer.pBuffer must remain in scope.
@ MQTTSuccess
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:88
struct NetworkContext NetworkContext_t
The NetworkContext is an incomplete type. An implementation of this interface must define struct Netw...
Definition: transport_interface.h:191
Struct to hold deserialized packet information for an MQTTEventCallback_t callback.
Definition: core_mqtt.h:254
size_t size
Size of buffer.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:125
uint8_t * pBuffer
Pointer to buffer.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:124
MQTT incoming packet parameters.
Definition: core_mqtt_serializer.h:244
TransportSend_t send
Definition: transport_interface.h:301
TransportRecv_t recv
Definition: transport_interface.h:300
NetworkContext_t * pNetworkContext
Definition: transport_interface.h:303